

Location map
author: OCHA/ ReliefWeb

- Central Europe, eastern Alps bordering the Adriatic Sea;
- Neighbours: Italy, Austria, Hungary, Croatia.

- Mediterranean climate on the coast, continental climate with mild to hot summers and cold winters in the plateaus and valleys to the east.

Natural hazards:
- flooding;
- earthquakes.

Macro indicators
* 2018 estimates
Pop. density*:102.1people/km2
GDP*:45.9EUR billion

European Union:
EU member, since 2004

Currency: Euro
Code: EUR
Since: 2007

Insurance market portfolio
* 2018 estimates
Overall Property*:12%
Overall Motor*:23%



STATISTICS: Slovene market ended Q1 “in red” due to huge decrease in health

The Slovenian insurance market totaled EUR 746.2 million at the end of March 2024, an 9.6% decrease y-o-y, according to the Slovenian Insurance Association's quarterly figures. Life insurance GWP posted a positive double-digit rate of +10.1% y-o-y to EUR 217.4 million, while the general insurance segment decreased by -15.8% y-o-y to EUR 529 million (or 70.8% of total GWP) due to the over 90% decrease in health insurance, from EUR 175 million in Q1 2023 to ~EUR 15 million at the end of March 2024.

SLOVENIA: The Slovenian Insurance Association and the Insurance Supervision Agency make joint efforts to strengthen financial literacy

The results of the Eurobarometer survey published last year show that the level of financial literacy in the EU is low on average (18% of EU citizens have high financial literacy). There are considerable differences between EU countries. Only in four EU member states 25% of people have a high level of financial literacy, i.e. the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, and Slovenia.

Slovene largest health insurer appointed new head

The Supervisory Board of the Slovene health insurer Vzajemna Insurance Company appointed Matija Senk as the new Chairman of the Management Board, wrote here. His mandate started on March 1st.

AI in the insurance industry – under debate in Ljubljana, on 11 September

On Monday, 11 September, the conference entitled "Artificial intelligence in insurance - evolution or revolution?" will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, organized by the Insurance Supervision Agency of Slovenia. The events is the 8th is a series of already traditional annual international conferences.

Slovenia is the CEE country with the highest share of insured losses in the economic losses from extreme weather events over the past 40 years.

Extreme weather events between 1980 and 2020 caused economic losses ranging from EUR 450 to EUR 520 billion (depending on the source) and between 85,000 and 145,000 deaths (depending on the source) in the 32 member states of the European Economic Area (EEA) *. Notably, a large proportion of these losses remained uninsured, with percentages varying by event type and European Economic Area (EEA) member state.

Slovenian insurers paid almost EUR 850 million for weather damage throughout the last 15 years

Between 2006 and 2020, compensations paid by Slovenian insurers for damagse caused by natural disasters amounted to EUR 850 million, the Slovenian Agency for Insurance Supervision said. Damages to real estate account for the largest share of the compensations paid, followed by damage to cars.
Looking back, the highest compensations were paid in 2008. In the whole year, insurance companies paid out almost EUR 140 million euros for damages caused by natural disasters. Rainfall with hail and strong gusts of wind on 15 and 16 August 2008 resulted in the highest compensation paid for an individual event, which amounted to almost EUR 85 million.

STATISTICS: Slovenian insurers’ business expanded to EUR 825 million

The Slovenian insurance market totaled EUR 825.3 billion at the end of March 2023, an 8.3% increase y-o-y, according to the Slovenian Insurance Association's quarterly figures. Life insurance GWP posted a negative subunit rate of -0.2% y-o-y to EUR 197.3 million, while the general insurance segment increased by 11.2% y-o-y to EUR 628 million - or 76.1% of total GWP.