Marsh McLennan - MMC informed that Hafize Gaye Erkan has stepped down as a member of its Board of Directors (BoD), effective immediately. "As a member since early 2022, Ms. Erkan served on the Audit and Directors and Governance committees during her time on the Board".
On June 9th, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan named Hafize Gaye Erkan as the new Central Bank Governor, replacing Sahap Kavcioglu.
"We would like to thank Gaye for her service at Marsh McLennan and recognize the contributions of her insights and operational experience during her tenure on our Board of Directors. We wish her all the best in her new role," said Edward Hanway, Independent Chairman of Marsh & McLennan Companies' Board of Directors.
Hafize Gaye Erkan resigns from MMC BoD after she was named as the new CB Governor
29 June 2023 — Andrei VICTOR