"With the support shown by the members of the Bureau, I returned to the Executive Director function. During this mandate I intend to improve the quality and the performance of the institution seen in the past 4 years, period during which Moldovan Bureau showed that it can be a reliable partner. We will implement by consensus the best practices and we will keep the focus on fulfilling the commitments made," Alina OSOIANU told XPRIMM.md.
Alina OSOIANU has a long experience in the field of insurance regulation and supervision, being a graduate of the Law School of the State University of Moldova and holding a master's degree in Economic Law. She begun her journey in insurance in 2006 at an insurance company, and beginning with 2007 she has held various positions within the National Commission of the Financial Market (CNPF). Starting 2014, she was the Head of the Insurance Regulatory and Authorization Directorate, the General Insurance Supervision Directorate, CNPF, and between 2015-2018 she held the position of Executive Director of the BNAA.
BNAA manages the Green Card system withing Republic of Moldova borders, while acting as an internal compensator for motor accidents happened between uninsured parties. In Moldova, there are currently 8 insurance companies members of BNAA: ACORD Grup, ASTERRA Grup, DONARIS VIG, GENERAL Asigurari, GRAWE CARAT Asigurari, MOLDASIG, MOLDCARGO and MOLDOVA-ASTROVAZ.
The Moldovan insurance sector ended the 3rd quarter of 2019 with GWP in the amount of MDL 1218.15 million (EUR 62.80 million), which in local currency is 11.53% more y-o-y, as the data, published by the National Commission of Financial Market show. You can find more about the Moldovan insurance market at 3Q2019 here.